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How To Prepare Your Home For Winter

2014-11-18T22:48:50+00:00November 24th, 2013|Other|

As the cold temperatures of winter set in, your home is subject to different conditions that require some attention. Preparing your home for winter is an important process that homeowners should engage in every year. In this process, homeowners can take steps to reduce their home heating costs and to help them prevent any potential

Different Kinds of Stoves – Guide to Heating Stoves

2014-11-19T02:45:24+00:00November 17th, 2013|HVAC|

When it comes to the stoves that are used for the purposes of home heating, the consumer has a few basic options. To help the public understand their options, here are some brief descriptions of the different types of heating stoves and how they work. Wood burning stoves This is a stove that is primarily

Tips When Changing Your Furnace Filter

2014-11-18T22:26:38+00:00October 21st, 2013|Furnace|

Taking steps to perform routine maintenance on your furnace will help to increase the usage life of the furnace along with ensuring that the unit is operating to its optimal performance. One of the key steps in routine furnace maintenance is to regularly check and change the air filters. Regularly changing the filter on a

Tips for Troubleshooting Your Furnace

2014-11-18T22:25:38+00:00October 10th, 2013|Furnace|

Being able to perform some basic maintenance and troubleshooting on your home furnace can be a great way for a homeowner to save some money. It is not uncommon for simple problems to cause reduced functionality or cause a furnace to stop working. In these situations it can be rather costly for the homeowner to

Firepit Safety – Be Safe This Fall

2014-11-18T22:17:20+00:00September 30th, 2013|Outdoor Living|

For outdoor get-togethers, there is nothing quite like a fire pit. It can provide warmth when the night starts to get a little chilly, it can be great for a variety of cooking purposes and a crackling fire adds a nice touch to the ambiance of the yard. With that being said, one of the

4 Simple Tips for Increasing your Home’s Energy Efficiency

2014-11-18T21:46:56+00:00September 18th, 2013|Energy Saving|

Between rising energy costs and the environmental impact of increased energy use, it is important for every homeowner to take steps to improve home energy efficiency. When it comes to increasing home energy efficiency, the individual homeowner has many options. Some involve making the actual structure of the home more efficient and others just require

When To Replace Your Furnace – 5 Signs

2014-11-19T01:34:32+00:00August 22nd, 2013|Furnace|

Tell tale signs that your furnace needs to be replaced Having a furnace that is functioning properly is important for the winter season. As a furnace ages it will begin to operate less efficiently and possibly break-down altogether. It is important for any homeowner to know how to recognize the warning signs of a furnace

Do You Need An Energy Efficient Water Heater?

2014-11-19T01:34:49+00:00August 15th, 2013|Energy Saving|

Whether you are building a new home or looking to replace your existing water heater, investing in an energy efficient water heater can save you a considerable amount of money over the life of its use. Energy efficient water heaters are not only more practical in an economic sense, but they can also help to

Why a Programmable Thermostat is Worth it

2014-11-18T20:54:15+00:00July 31st, 2013|Other|

The average household spends a significant portion of its monthly budget on energy consumption. With the ever rising cost of energy, this can be an important consideration when you are looking for ways to reduce your monthly expenses. When it comes to energy consumption, the most significant contributing factor is heating and cooling. It accounts

How to Fix a Gas Line Clog in a Propane Grill

2014-11-18T20:44:41+00:00July 13th, 2013|Grills|

Owning a propane grill can provide the user with a great way to prepare food and enjoy the outdoors. For individuals who own propane grills, it is important to know how to do some basic maintenance to keep their grill in good working order. One of the more common problems that can occur with a


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