Tell tale signs that your furnace needs to be replaced

Having a furnace that is functioning properly is important for the winter season. As a furnace ages it will begin to operate less efficiently and possibly break-down altogether. It is important for any homeowner to know how to recognize the warning signs of a furnace that beginning to fail. This can save you from an emergency where your heater fails in the middle of winter and keep you from spending money on servicing a furnace that is going to need to be replaced anyway.

1. Reduced efficiency

If the cost of heating your home seems to be steadily rising, the problem may be with the furnace itself. If heating costs continue to rise in spite of the fact that you are performing the regular maintenance and taking steps to heat your house efficiently, the furnace may be in the early stages of failure. When a furnace starts to near the end of its service life, it may experience reduced efficiency. Signs that may help you notice this problem would include heating cycles that are longer than usual and the furnace having trouble producing enough heat to meet the needs of standard thermostat settings.

2. Excessive noise during operation

If you notice an excessive amount of noise or noises that are not characteristic of normal function, this could be a sign that your furnace needs to be replaced. Sounds like a constant tapping, banging, hissing or popping should raise concern that your furnace might be near the end of its life.

3. The furnace is old

Most furnaces come with a recommended lifespan. Your typical home furnace will have a recommended service life of about 15-20 years. However, this recommended service life is dependent on the homeowner being diligent about the regular maintenance of the furnace. If regular maintenance is not performed as prescribed by the manufacturer, this could shave a few years off the life of your furnace.

4. Increased need for servicing

If your furnace continually needs to be serviced and have parts repaired and replaced, it is very likely near the end of its life. When a furnace starts to get old, the years of heating your home have likely taken their toll on a variety of parts. When parts start breaking down one after the other, the problems are likely to persist until the furnace is replaced.

5. Reduced air-quality

Having an old furnace that is ready to be replaced can reduce the air-quality in your home. This can cause health problems due to air that is either dry or filled with pollen or dust. Another situation that can cause a heater to reduce home air-quality will be if the furnace has a cracked heat exchanger. This will cause the furnace to leak carbon monoxide which can be a serious threat to you and your family. If people are experiencing symptoms like headache, nausea and dizziness when the heater is running, this could be a sign that your furnace is leaking carbon monoxide and you should address the situation immediately.

These signs can indicate that you need a new home furnace, but in some cases they might just be signs that your furnace needs repairs. If you notice any of these signs, set an appointment with a HVAC professional to have your furnace inspected. If it needs to be replaced, it may be costly but you can mitigate some of the cost by possibly investing in a more energy efficient furnace.