With the cooling temperatures that accompany winter, people will notice that this season not only impacts the outdoor environment, but that it can also have a negative impact on indoor environments. Along with cooler temperatures, there will also be dryer air. The reduced humidity in the home will not only have a negative impact on the occupants, but it can also negatively affect the home itself. To mitigate some of the effects of this dry air, many individuals have started using a humidifier during the winter months.

A humidifier is a device that is designed to increase the atmospheric water vapor in the home. Consumers can find models that are designed for single room usage and there are even some units that can manage the humidity of the entire home. Which style is right for the individual will depend on the scope of the problem and the frequency with which they intend to use it.

One of the main benefits to using a humidifier in the winter is to help maintain your health. People that spend more time in dry air environments will be more susceptible to cold and flu viruses. Not only is the dry air a better environment for the virus to survive and multiply in, but this environment can also dry-out the throat and nasal tissue which makes it less resistant to infection. Using a humidifier will not only help you to avoid many of these problems, but it can also help you to remedy some of them.

Even if the dry air doesn’t cause you to catch a virus, it can still cause irritation to the nasal cavity and the throat. When these areas get overly dry, the individual will experience symptoms like soreness, itchiness and congestion. With a humidifier the individual can prevent these symptoms from occurring and if they do occur, the humidifier can be used to soothe the irritation.

Dry and cracked skin is another problem that can be caused by the dry winter air. During the winter months, the skin and lips can become overly dry and start to chap and crack. With the increased humidity that is provided by one of these devices many of these conditions can be prevent and treated.

Another benefit of using a humidifier in the winter is that it can actually make the home feel warmer. Since air that has more water vapor in it feels warmer, the homeowner will be able to turn down the temperature on the thermostat. That means that you can save some money on your heating expenses without having to make a sacrifice in comfort.

Exposure to dry indoor air can also have a negative impact on the home and many of the items that are in it. Extended periods of low humidity can cause the paint in the home to dry and crack, it can dry-out the wood in furniture or in a hardwood floors and it can cause adhesives that are used in furniture and home building materials to deteriorate. Increasing the humidity in your home can help to prevent these problems and maintain the look and value of the home.

As the temperature drops, people are very likely to look for ways to make their lives more comfortable and ways to avoid sickness. Since we spend so much time in our homes, improving the indoor environment will play a major role in staying healthy during the colder months of the year. Making use of a humidifier, whether it is a single room model or a full-house unit, can help the individual to avoid and treat many of the problems that come with the dry winter air.