How to Lower Your Heating Bill
In the winter, your heating bill can rise very quickly and get to be very expensive. Here are some tips to lower that heating bill and saving some money!
Turning your furnace down
You can save almost 20% of the money you are throwing at your heating bill just by turning down your furnace while you are out of the house. A good temperature to keep it at is 10 to 20 degrees cooler than normal.
Watch your ventilation fans
Beware of ventilation fans throughout the house; specifically in your bathrooms and kitchen area. The fans can quickly suck away your heat making it harder to warm those rooms.
Using cold water
Use cold water for your laundry and turn your water heater down to 120 degrees or less! You will be surprised at how much you save from these two things.
Changing your furnace filter
Changing your furnace filter on a monthly basis as well as making sure your registers are not blocked is a small thing to do and can save 1 to 5% on your heating bill!