What factors go into choosing an A/C Unit

Home climate control is one of the most important factors when it comes to having a comfortable living space. Being able to keep things warm in the winter and cool in the summer not only provides comfort, but it can also be beneficial to the health of the home’s occupants. However, not all homes have the same heating and cooling needs and this means that consumers should consider a few factors when they are in the market for a new air conditioner.


The environment in which the house is built can play a significant role in how well a particular air conditioner will work. This can apply to the climate region your home is in and different environmental aspects of how the specific home is situated on the property.

Different parts of the country have different climate factors that will impact the function of a cooling unit. While evaporative coolers tend to be more economical to run, they may not work as well in certain regions. The evaporative coolers provide great results in areas where the climate is hot and dry, but the consumer might be better off with a traditional cooling unit in an area that is subject to higher levels of humidity.

How the home sits on the property will be an important consideration. If the home doesn’t have a lot of shade cover, the consumer may need to slightly increase the size of the unit that they will purchase. Another point to consider is wind cover. Homes made from certain types of material can get some cooling if they are in the open and continually subject to a breeze.


Getting an air conditioner that provides the right amount of cooling for the space is one of the most important things to consider. Getting an air conditioner that is the wrong size for the situation will lead to a variety of problems. A unit that is too small will be overworked and inefficient, while an over-sized unit might continually cycle on and off, which can make it hard for the machine to do its job efficiently. Both of these problems will not only have an effect on the efficiency and cooling abilities, but they can also reduce the operating life of the unit.

Consumers can use online tools to calculate the appropriate BTU output for a given space, but it is recommended that you consult a professional for the best assessment. An experienced HVAC technician will not only be able to consider the size of the room, but they also have the experience and knowledge to account for things like sun exposure, room insulation, airflow and the construction of the home.


An air conditioner is a great way to make the home more comfortable, but these machines can consume a considerable amount of electricity. With that in mind, a smart consumer will take into account the efficiency of the air conditioner before they make a purchase. The energy efficient units might cost a little more to purchase, but they save the consumer money in the long run because of the lower operating costs.

An easy way to see that an air conditioner is efficient is to look for one that is Energy Star certified. When you find a unit that has the Energy Star logo, you know that it has efficiency that is at least 10% better than minimum federal standards. If you want to go one step further, you can also look into the unit’s EER. This is a measure of the cooling output in comparison with the amount of energy consumed. A higher EER means that you are getting an air conditioner that produces more BTUs per kilowatt consumed.


Some air conditioners come with added features that can make it appeal to certain consumers more than the basic units. These can include health features like anti-microbial air filters and added controls like a digital thermostat, variable fan speeds and a timer. The benefits of having these features really depend on the needs of the individual, but some of them can be great for improving the indoor air quality of the home or giving the user a better degree of control over the unit.

Consumers have a lot of points to consider when they are looking to buy a new air conditioner. While many of these factors can be easy to navigate on your own, it can help to consult a certified HVAC technician. Along with giving you the best advice available in regard to the design and size of the air conditioner, they can also recommend brands that offer reliability and better warranty features.